Details and highlights from the Marvel Heroic Age panel at San Diego Comic Con.


Marvel Comics “The Heroic Age” Panel

The last Marvel panel was held Friday night. At the panel were writer Brian Michael Bendis and Marvel Edior-In-Chief Joe Quesada, writers Matt Fraction and Jim McCann as well as talent manager C.B. Cebulski.

-Bendis talked up  the main Avengers title: “Avengers” first. “This is the gathering of the greatest heroes that ever lived and Spider-Woman,” the writer said before praising John Romita, Jr.’s work on the book saying “It’s the best Spider-Man artist, the best Iron Man artist and the best Wolverine artist all on one book at the same time.”

-He soon moved to the news that “New Avengers” would soon move to a storyline delving into the mystical and magical side of Marvel as the team searches for the lost child of Luke Cage and Jessica Jones. “This will hopefully shape Marvel magic into something great and conceivable.” Not all the heroes will make it out of the first arc, he explained.

-Issue #4 of “Avengers” will feature Galactus, as Bendis joked that the side of the spread of Romita’s art for the issue read “Fuck you, Bendis” as the spread was chock full of visual information. “It looks to me as if the timestream has absolutely broken in half,” Bendis said of how Kang’s story led to the devourer of worlds before he promised to post his script pages for the sequence online after the book is released so fans can see how Romita took everything thrown at him and put it into one sequence.

-The Red Hulk will also join the Avengers team in issue #7 at the start of the second arc. Bendis promised that the character’s inclusion would fit well with plans for the “Hulk” series established by Jeph Loeb in the current “World War Hulks” crossover as well as writer Jeff Parker, who’s largely believed to be taking over the title.

-Asked about how stable the lineups of the Avengers teams would be, Bendis joked, “After issue #5, nothing will happen until #20.”

-Asked about his non-Avengers ongoing, Bendis said “Ultimate Comics Spider-Man” #16 is the 150th issue of “Ultimate Spider-Man” all together, and Bendis promised the book would be an extra-sized anniversary issue to mark both that occasion and the 10th anniversary of the Ultimate Universe.

-A fan asked after the question of whether or not Quesada had a moment where the changes of “Spider-Man: One More Day” had “paid off” for the character despite the reaction to that specific story. “Creatively we knew whether it paid off or not, the idea of Spider-Man being single again was the most important goal,” he said, adding that he felt it paid off when “Brand New Day” was a few months in and there was a large and expansive supporting cast in “Amazing” to help pay off on that promise.

-Matt Fraction talked about upcoming stuff in Invincible Iron Man “‘Resiliant’ keeps telling the story of Tony trying to rebuild his empire from nothing.” In building a new car to fund his ideas to adapting to his new armor, the story will present a narrative where “We’re going to see how resilient Tony can be – how many wars you can fight on how many fronts.” The arc will end in what Fraction felt was his most ambitious action set piece he’s ever written featuring the full cast from War Machine to Detroit Steel.

-The final question was about the future of “Runaways.” Cebulski promised that the characters would soon be popping up across the Marvel Universe and that they were building up to something very big for the characters for which you’d have to “wait and see.”

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