The creation of a powerful new weapon puts the Orville crew, and the entire Union, in a political and ethical quandary.
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Many thanks to Captain_Meatshield for allowing us to use his music for our show theme.
The implications of Charlie’s tone in that lasst scene of hers implies strongly that she and Amanda were not “just friends.” I feel they should have been more explicit about the nature of the Charlie/Amanda relationship; making it ambiguous in this day and age feels a touch regressive.
Them being out would be even more strength to the arc. (It’s not like the über conservatives at Fox were in place to blacklist it…)
I agree it’s a good arc.
They actually were just friends, but Charly was in love with her. We don’t know how Amanda felt. Charly admitted to Isaac in “Twice in a Lifetime” that she loved Amanda, but never got the chance to tell her.