Monster Sanctuary requires that you become a tactical master, and while that may not be for everyone, it has more than earned its place as a stunning genre-hybrid.
Author - Dyllan Thweatt
If you’re looking for a puzzle-focused platformer packed with puns, you’ll be perfectly at home in the cave networks of Batbarian.
Glitches and bugs aside, and once properly tuned, Baldur’s Gate III will be a great digital version of a pen and paper roleplaying game.
Dynamic and colorful character illustrations, snappy dialogue, and a heartwarming tale of friendship make Summer in Mara a quaint vacation destination.
Skellboy takes the core elements of classic adventure games and attempts to realize them in 3D while holding tightly to its 2D platformer roots, but falls flat due to a...
The time period of GreedFall, combined with the diverse variety of cultures fighting for Tir Fradee give shape to a dynamic, living world, while the intricate character...
Vane provides a dire apocalyptic story told entirely through its stunning artistic direction and driven by an emotional synth score.
Cyanide’s Call of Cthulhu effectively embraces the eldritch horrors of the Elder Gods, creating a dark and mysterious world, but Cthulhu’s indecipherable nature also...
A dated gameplay experience leaves more of a fear of playing The Conjuring House than of the terrors within.
The Gardens Between is a unique puzzler that makes up for its slow pacing with a deeply nostalgic and emotional story.
If you’re afraid of the sea, you probably shouldn’t play this game. If you aren’t, you will be after spending a few hours inside your walking coffin.
Sending The Mooseman on a journey through the layers of the universe creates a mystifying if mechanically simplistic, experience.
Hacking and slashing your way through a linear mystery makes for a great introduction to the action RPG genre, but does not make for a challenge.
Contingent 99 has composed magic with a spellbinding and challenging roguelike.
The Raven Remastered relished in the tropes of its genre—complete with every caricature and plot twist imaginable. Unfortunately for the Raven, some relics of the past...