Star Trek Voyager fans might be happy to hear that former castmates Jeri Ryan and Kate Mulgrew will appear in the 3rd season of SyFy's series Warehouse 13.
Author - Rob Logan
Two anticipated collections are making their way to the PS3 this September: The God of War: Origins Collection & The Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection.
PlayStation has announced an officially-branded 3D monitor package.
Rob and Bryan report on the news from E3 and hop into The Spoiler Room to discuss X-Men: First Class.
The Wolfpack is back, but they should have quit while they were ahead.
Take a peek at the latest DMC trailer from E3.
Nintendo introduced its new console at E3, called Wii U.
Learn more about Batman: Arkham City in this E3 2011 gameplay video.
Mark Wahlberg again states that The Fighter 2 is indeed happening.
This amazing fan film is based on the original ending of Portal.
Agent 47 is back!!
Rob and Bryan talk BlakeGate, RingGate, and the controversy that is the DC Comics reboot.
With the news that Bruce Wayne will once again be the only Batman, where does that leave current Batman and former Robin, Dick Grayson??
Warner Bros. Pictures has released a brand-new featurette for the upcoming Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2.
inFAMOUS 2 launches today!! Here's the launch trailer and a message from Kevin Butler.
Straight out of E3 comes this new trailer for Activision's Spider-Man: Edge of Time.
What was once codenamed NGP is now officially the PlayStation Vita.
Check out this trailer for Mortal Kombat's DLC character Skarlet.