Warner Bros. Pictures has released the first trailer for director Doug Liman's Edge of Tomorrow.
Author - Rob Logan
Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures have released the first teaser trailer for Godzilla.
Rob and Volpe (joined by Mikey) count down their lists of the Top 10 Hottest Women in Hollywood.
Sony Pictures has released the first trailer for director Marc Webb's The Amazing Spider-Man 2.
Director Zack Snyder has officially announced that Gal Gadot will play Wonder Woman in the follow-up to Man of Steel.
Rob sits down with Ring of Honor's Mike Bennett to talk about his early days in professional wrestling, the current indy scene, and his relationship with Maria Kanellis.
The BBC has announced that the title of this year's Doctor Who Christmas Special will be The Time of the Doctor.
Check out the cosplay photos snapped by The Geek Generation at Super Megafest 2013.
Rob had to sit through too many opening bands, Volpe had an incident at the gym, and we play a Fake News game.
Before the Doctor can have his Day, he must first swing by the Super Cafe.
The mask is set to debut on the December 11th episode of Arrow.
Rob chats with comedians from Geek Comedy Night and unexpected guest Kenn Doane (WWE's Kenny Dykstra) on the show floor of Rhode Island Comic Con.
Sony Network Entertainment Vice President Eric Lempel takes you on a tour of some of the features included in the new user interface for the PlayStation 4.
Hollywood comes to Framingham on Saturday, November 23rd for Super Megafest.
Walt Disney Pictures has revealed a teaser trailer for Maleficent, starring Angelina Jolie.
Rob, Volpe, and Mikey sit down to chat with some of the cosplayers at Rhode Island Comic Con 2013.
Columbia Pictures and MGM have released the second trailer for RoboCop.
Check out the cosplay photos snapped by The Geek Generation staff at Rhode Island Comic Con 2013.