TASTEE is a game that takes a fair time commitment to play each mission, but it’s also very rewarding to complete a single task, let alone an entire mission.
Category - Video Games
It simply doesn’t have much more mileage than a single afternoon, which now that I think about it, might have been the point all along... given the cast.
Rob and Damien discuss and explore some of the most popular video game myths and urban legends that have existed over the years.
Return to two of the greatest superhero games of all time - visually enhanced and recreated for a new generation in Batman: Return to Arkham.
Taking place in a world that is a hybrid between cute and nightmarish, Ecotone isn’t your average platformer and not for those who aren’t big fans of the genre. The game...
Twists, turns, and much hilarity await you in this wonderful spin on a game developer's nightmare and the power players wish they had.