Rob, Mike, and Mikey record from the show floor of the first ever Rhode Island Comic Con.
Tag - Twilight
Our Girl Among Geeks has come to realize that she is a Nonconformist-Conformist, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.
This is what you get when hypocritical people provide a lack of support for literature just because they happen to have pictures as opposed to "just"...
George Takei steps in to broker the peace between icons of Star Trek and Star Wars by identifying a mutual threat.
G4 reveals this exclusive new clip from Twilight: Breaking Dawn where Edward explains to Bella exactly what will happen after they consummate their...
If you think geeky conventions are stupid, Twilight fans have taken stupid to another level.
Mike Rindfleisch joins me to discuss The Flash, Wonder Woman, weekly news, and rental recommendations for July.
I've had people bugging me to watch Twilight for awhile now. I've had every argument thrown at me like, "you like sci-fi/fantasy/romance movies, so...