Twitch commands

Twitch chat commands for TheGeekGeneration and theRobLogan.

  General commands
!bnet Display Rob’s Battlenet tag
!bsg Warn others about our backseat gaming policy
!butttouch Touch a “random” user’s butt in chat
!commands Display link to this page
!discord Display link to our Discord channel
!emotes Display the BTTV emotes that work in this channel.
!events Display link to our Twitch events page.
!kamehameha [username] Fire a kamehameha at a specified user in chat
!keylist Display link to list of Steam keys available for grab bag giveaways
!multi [caster name] Follow command with another caster’s name to display a link to multitwitch to watch both casters simultaneously
!quiplash Display link to play Quiplash
!podcast Display link to The Geek Generation podcast
!prime Get a link to sign up for a free 30-day trial of Amazon Prime. If you sign up for the trial, Amazon sends a few bucks my way.
!rmc Display link to Random Movie Club podcast
!rob Display links to all of Rob’s social media accounts
!rules Display channel rules
!shirts Display link to The Geek Generation online store
!steam Display link to Rob’s Steam account. Feel free to add me!
!tips Display link to tips page
!uptime Display time the stream has currently been live
!wheelguest Display link to suggest Wheel of GeekGen contestants
!youtube Display link to The Geek Generation YouTube channel
  Sound effect commands
!built Terry Tate is a machine
!cena And his name is…
!die DIE… DIE… DIE
!dragon To be activated in Skyrim when we encounter a dragon
!fatality Fatality!
!freakout Freak out sound from the podcast
!gametime Terry Tate time up in here
!glorious One word…
!goodforyou Christian Bale “Oh, good for you!”
!highnoon It’s hiiiiiiiigh noon
!hotdamn LoverofChicken’s “hot damn”
!jackass Jackass theme
!mmmm LoverofChicken’s “mmmm mmm mmmm”
!ohmy George Takei’s “Oh my”
!pbdie My favorite clip of Pumpkinberry… for all those times I die
!pizza “Rob’s in the kitchen making pizza”
!rock If you smellllllllllll…
!sauce LoverofChicken’s spreading that awesome sauce
!scorpion Get over here!
!teacher What SK thinks of Teacher Rob
!tiptoe You can’t be tippytoeing up in here
!unstoppable Unstoppable Reaper
!wrongbutton For when I make a stupid mistake
!yay Geek out sound from the podcast
Cooking/Food commands
!cinnamon Display link to the cinnamon I use
!mealprep Display link to the meal prep containers I use
!recipe Display link to recipes
Song request commands
!currentsong Display the song currently playing and who requested it
!songrequest [YouTube link] Add the linked song to the playlist queue


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